What inspires you? Sometimes as adults I think we can lose sight of what we find inspiring. It’s a question that is often asked of children and artists. But what about the average human? Have you thought about it lately? I do consider myself to be somewhat of an artist. And even then inspiration can ebb and flow. But lately in the act of trying to encourage someone else to be inspired, I inspired myself. Who knew that could work? I probably would have tried it years ago.
I create a lot of different types of arts and crafts but I’m not usually a sketcher/drawer, realism has never been my strong suit. But lately I have found myself to be drawn (pun intended) to paper and pencil. In some ways it’s quite a freeing form of art because you don’t need much in the way of equipment to do it. In fact when I recently started sketching I didn’t even have any blank paper on hand. But I didn’t want that to be an excuse to not continue… excuses are easy to come by! So instead I grabbed one of the many weird old books I have on hand and simply started drawing in that!
What’s even more interesting to me is that after a few weeks of sketching here and there. I was inspired to do something else I had also been putting off. I finally booked myself a trip. I had planned to take time-off and I love to travel but it has been a long time since I’ve gone away. And even though I had booked the time-off my brain was trying very hard to override my true desires and excuse my way out of actually going away.
Did you know that following one inspiration would have a chain reaction and make you more productive and goal-oriented?!? I feel like I’m old enough I should have figured this out by now? Oh well, live and learn as they say!
So again I ask, what inspires you?? Are you listening to it? Or are the inspirations something you can just list off without actually having them propel you into action? If so, then maybe like me, you need some new inspirations to make the old ones have value again.

1 comment
You are an incredible writer, Yvonne. Thank you for the joy that your posts give me! 🤗